

Traditional Medicine

Traditional Medicine

Nutrient Content And Benefits Of Tomato Fruit

Nutrient content And Fruit Tomatoes: Benefits: for the housewife, probably when asked what are the benefits of tomato fruit. Surely most will answer as ingredients. But when you know the nutrient content in it, sure they will have other answers.

Plum tomatoes are indeed very popular among the people of the world, as well as spices, red fruits when ripe it can also be eaten directly or made fresh drinks like juice. Consume the fruit of tomato juice or directly created, highly recommended by health experts, because that way, the nutrient content in the fruit has not been damaged so that it could be underutilized by the body. Add a little olive oil when it consumes tomatoes also recommended, because this way can increase the absorption of likopen by the body.
Nutrient Content Of Tomato Fruit.
Tomato fruit known rich in nutrition. In the fruit called latin Solanum lycopersicum Lycopersicum esculentum SYN. it contained a number of nutrients and other elements important to the body, including the following: vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, E, and K), mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, etc.), organic acids (citric, maleic acid), and fiber (located on the skin and seed the tomatoes). There is also an antioxidant substance as Lycopen can provide formal protection to the body against free radicals cause diseases.

The Benefits Of Tomatoes For The Health Of The Body.
With all of the nutrient content is important and useful in it, is not wrong when health experts encourage us to consume tomatoes Avid. The following benefits of tomatoes for the health of your body.

1. Prevent and treat the disease anemia.
For the sufferers of the disease anemia, tomatoes are one of the types of fruit are recommended to be consumed. This is due to tomato fruit contains iron and vitamin C is high enough. Blend of iron and vitamin C in it was able to increase the synthesis of haemoglobin and the formation of red blood cells in the body. The amount of hemoglobin that is enough in the body to prevent and also treat different types of anemia.

2. Protect the body from cancer.
Tomatoes contain high levels with likopen. These substances act as antioxidants to the body, one of which can protect the body against several types of cancer such as lung cancer, prostate, and colon. Likopen has higher antioxidant activity when compared to betakaroten.

3. as an anti oxidant.
In addition, likopen tomatoes also contain substances like other betakaroten anti oxidants, vitamin C and selenium. All the antioxidants can protect body tissues grow from damage as a result of free radicals in your body. These free radicals can cause the onset of premature aging and triggers the onset of chronic degenerative diseases.

4. As the detoxification of the body.
In addition to his role as an antioxidant. The sweet taste of fruit acid also has diuretic properties that are useful in improving digestive function, and stimulates detoxification function of the liver and kidneys. This process can help removing toxins from the body and improves the quality of your body's health.

5. Maintain and improve the health of bones and teeth.
Vitamin C, calcium, and phosphorus in tomato fruit is cukuip high. The third component is so well in maintaining healthy bones and teeth and protect them from pengeroposan.

6. Increase the body's digestive tool functions.
Organic acids in tomato fruit bermafaat to improve digestive function of the body by stimulating the saliva and stomach secretions, thereby increasing the capability in mencernaan some type of protein-rich foods (such as fish, eggs, meat, and processed dairy products), as well as foods rich in starch (such as rice, bread, potatoes, and pasta).

7. Lowering blood cholesterol levels.
Likopen content in tomato fruits, also play a role in the fight against the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, so simply applied in the body will not be excessive.

8. Meningkatkaan cardiac performance.
Consume tomatoes good for your heart health. Potassium content in the flesh of the fruit plays a role in lowering blood pressure. This condition can prevent the occurrence of oxidation of cholesterol which is the first process the formation of plaque in blood vessel channels. This of course gives a positive effect for the heart, where the work of the heart in pumping blood isn't too heavy because of lancarnya blood channels from and kejantung.

9. Consumption of tomatoes good for skin health.
Likopen, vitamin C, and betakaroten in tomatoes is excellent in protecting the skin from the negative effects caused by exposure to harmful UV light.

10. Launch the digestion of the body.
A lot of fiber found on seeds and tomato skin, excellent for waging a pencernan body, and also defecate.

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