The benefits of herbal medicine for bandotan call bandotan orageratum-conyzoides , surely you would imagine plants terna that have benefits well enough in the world of medicine. Bandotan indeed is one of a crop of weeds that can be utilized especially the leaves for medicine outside of them stop bleeding on the injured skin.
benefits of bandotan
Plants that have a latin name Ageratum conyzoides it can grow very well in a climate like the one owned by Indonesia. Bandotan spread in some areas in Indonesia was and had several different names for each area, including: babadotan (Sundanese), wedusan (Java) and so on.
The benefits of bandotan leaves as a cure
Bandotan capability as a drug, is inseparable from the content of substances and compounds important in it. Based on the research that has been done, the plant has a distinctive smell it contains some important compounds, including: amino acids, oraganacid, pectic substance, coumarin, asiri ageratochromene minya, friedelin,-sitosterol, stigmasterol, tannins, sulfur, and potassium chloride. The roots of bandotan contain essential oils, alkaloid, and coumarin.
The chemical ingredient in it, especially the leaves can be bandotan we take advantage of to address various disorders of the body, whether caused by illness or other problems. Here are some of the benefits of bandotan in the world of medicine and the way meramunya.
benefits of bandotan
Plants that have a latin name Ageratum conyzoides it can grow very well in a climate like the one owned by Indonesia. Bandotan spread in some areas in Indonesia was and had several different names for each area, including: babadotan (Sundanese), wedusan (Java) and so on.
The benefits of bandotan leaves as a cure
Bandotan capability as a drug, is inseparable from the content of substances and compounds important in it. Based on the research that has been done, the plant has a distinctive smell it contains some important compounds, including: amino acids, oraganacid, pectic substance, coumarin, asiri ageratochromene minya, friedelin,-sitosterol, stigmasterol, tannins, sulfur, and potassium chloride. The roots of bandotan contain essential oils, alkaloid, and coumarin.
The chemical ingredient in it, especially the leaves can be bandotan we take advantage of to address various disorders of the body, whether caused by illness or other problems. Here are some of the benefits of bandotan in the world of medicine and the way meramunya.
1. as a herbal remedy for boils and ulcers
Wash clean bandotan plant to taste, then add the rice balls one stale and teaspoon salt. All the ingredients and then mashed. This herb you turapkan on the part of the body skin sores or ulcers. Then swathe it with a bandage or cloth.
2. Overcome rhematik, and swelling due to sprains.
Herb bandotan for boils, you can also use as a remedy to overcome rhematik and also swelling due to a sprain, it's just, there's an added the other ingredients, namely by including part of the rod bandotan are still fresh.
3. Address the inflammation of the ear.
Prepare the leaves bandotan to taste, then wash clean, then mash until smooth.
Juicing extracts to be taken. Use the bandotan leaf extract as drops in your ears are exposed to strep. Do 4 times a day @ 2 drops.
4. Stop the bleeding in the skin wound.
Prepare the leaves and stems of bandotan which is still fresh. Wash clean and then mashed smooth. Turapkan on the part of the injured skin, and then swathe it with a bandage.
5. Treating mouth ulcers, and bleeding in the uterus.
Prepare in advance 15 grams of leaves along the stem is part of bandotan which is still young and fresh. Clean, wash and then boiled with water until the remaining two glasses one glass. Let cool briefly, then strain it. drinking water such as stew 2-3 times a day.
6. herbal medicine As tumors in the uterus.
The materials need to be prepared, namely dried bandotan leaves about 50 grams. Boil three cups of water until the remaining one glass. Strain it and then drink water regularly the stew one glass a day.
7. Overcoming pain in the throat due to inflammation.
Wash clean bandotan fresh leaves as much as 30-60 grams. Mash until smooth, and then squeeze to extract. Add the rock sugar dissolved in advance to taste. The potion to drink three times a day.
8. Treating malaria and flu.
Prepare approximately 20 grams dried bandotan leaves. Boil two cups of water to remaining one glass. chill, then strain it. Drink twice a day.
9. Resolve heartburn, flatulence, and vomiting.
One tree bandotan medium-size washed up clean, and then cut into pieces. Boil the water with as many as three glasses, wait until the remaining one glass, and then lift up and chill. Strain the boiled water then 2-3 times a day.
In addition to treatment, you can also use bandotan as a natural treatment for hair. Herb of bandotan this can make your hair become healthier, black, no loss and beautiful. Here's how to manufacture ramuannya and also how to use. Prepare parts of the leaves and stem are also bandotan which is still fresh to taste. Wash clean, then mash until smooth. Apply on the scalp and the hair evenly. Headgear with a cloth for 2-3 hours. Then rinse until clean.
In addition to the already mentioned above, of course, there are still many other bandotan benefits you can get. Please search the reference from other sources.
But bandotan contains Pyrrolizidine, which is an unsaturated alkaloid compund. Wouldn't it be dangerous if you use it internally ?