

Traditional Medicine

Traditional Medicine

The Benefits Of Tomatoes And Broccoli For The Deadly Cancer Cells

Vegetables is one source of nutrition to the body, no exception of broccoli and tomatoes. In both types of vegetables, lots of contained substances antioxidants that can ward off a number of free radicals cause diseases mainly cancer.

Broccoli contains sulforaphane that is known to have the capability of fighting cancer cells and tumors. But amazingly, this substance does not damage the body's cellsare still healthy. While the benefits of tomatoes to overcome cancer due to the antioxidant content therein named Lycopen where have a role like sulforaphane in broccoli, i.e. equally efficacious against the development of cancer cells in the body.
Consume broccoli or tomatoes separately, remain effective in warding off cancer cells. But when the two are combined, then which will be stronger in the deadly cancer cells. This has been demonstrated in a study conducted by the University of Illinois and was published in the Journal Of Cancer research, where such research States thata substance in tomato fruit lycopen and sulforaphane in broccoli when combined, then both will be a very great combination to prevent cancer.

Research done by implanting cells in prostate cancer some rats, and rats get different treatment in the feeding, where the first group of mice administered a diet containing powdered tomatoes and broccoli powder @ 10%, a second group of mice given tomato powder, and the rest are given only powdered broccoli.
From the results of such research, it is known that the first group of mice was heartening to get the results, where prostate tumor that is found in their body shrinking faster when compared with the second and third groups of mice.

For the man himself, the researchers explain that for men, it is recommended to consume raw tomatoes and cups 2.5 1.4 cup broccoli raw in order to get the same benefits. This is certainly very useful for cancer patients, especially if the cancer on the body they can be detected early.

For those of you at home, we recommend that you start to get used to consume both such food at least once a week, which aim to protect the body from cancer. Besides the benefits of tomatoes and broccoli is not only to prevent cancer, but consume both can protect tubun Street from a heart attack, diabetes type 2, obesity and various other diseases.

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